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May 29th Daily Journal

May 29thDaily Journal
On Tuesday 29th we learn about Present Perfect which structure is “the verb have + subject + the verb in past participle + the rest, already or yet” it very useful when you want to ask someone if she or he has done things like to do skydiving, to travel, do any action or visit somewhere, etc. Look these questions as example: “has he called home lately?” and a probably answer could be “Yes, he’s called twice this week”, you can answer how many times she or he did it or just deny it “No, he hasn’t called in this month”, for this topic we did an activity of complete questions and answers with participle verbs in the red book.
Also, we mark the differences between Present perfect that is used for things done on an indefinite time in the past and Simple past which is used to mention a specific event in the past, one example for the first one could be: “Have you ever eaten Moroccan food?” and “Yes, I have. I ate it once in Paris” it’s an answer that match with that question; and for the second one “have you ever had green curry?” is a question which answer could be “Yes, I have. I tried it several years ago”. Also, we did a complete questions and answers with the verbs in Past Participle or Simple Past in the red book.
For those two previous practices we can add the use expression like “For” and “Since”, “For” is used to specify how long, e.g. “Pam was in Central America for a month last year” and “Since” is used to specify since when, e.g. “Hiroshi has been at work since 6:00 A.M.”
The last thing we learn was about modal verbs “can” which is used to ask for and “should” which sounds like a doubt and ask or gives advices”, both can be used to give advices or ask for it but the differences are in the meaning of each word. Examples of these words in a tense: “What can I see from the Eiffel Tower?” and the answer could be “You can see all of Paris” and finally “should” can be used like this question: “What should I see there” one probably answers for this doubt question could be “You should visit the Palace of Fine Arts”. For these modals we did a complete practice in the red book with both words.


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