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June 19th, Daily Journal

On June 12th, teacher Yerlin started the class giving us the topics for the tests. Followed by, she wrote on the whiteboard the topic of Infinities and Gerunds, which is the correct way to use for and to, when we use the infinitive, the structure is to + verb, for example: to read, to eat, to send. And when we use gerund, the structure is for + verb + suffix -ing, for example: for reading, for eating, for sending. After that she wrote on the Relative clauses of time, this is used to describe what does a day or event consist, for example Christmas is a day when all families stay together.
Them we were working on the blue book unit 7, the first that we practice on was the first snapshot about invention objects like pocket calculator, touchscreen tablets, personal GPS, smartphones, even the world wide web and there was three questions about those objects, the first one was to circle the things that we use every day or almost every day, the second was which invention do you think is the most important?, and finally the third one what are some other things you use every day?. After that we pass to the next exercise it was a checklist to rate the use that we give to the computer for e.g. “to send emails” and the check options were Often, Sometimes, Hardly ever, Never. This was a good practice to introduce the next part that was the grammar focus of Infinitives and Gerunds for uses and purposes, but that was the first thing that the teacher taught us, then we did a match practice about uses and purposes, the first sentence to match was “satellites are used...” it match with “to study the weather”. After that we had another grammar focus about Imperatives and infinitives for giving suggestions, for example: Be sure to press these keys, Make sure to save your work, Remember to back up your files, Don’t forget to include my favorite songs, Try not to be late for the party. Then we jumped to the unit 8 with two important grammar focuses the first one was Relative clauses of time another topic that we saw at the beginning of the class, one example in the book was “February 14 is the day when people give cards to the ones they love”. And the second was the Adverbial clauses of time the book gives these examples: “When people get married in Japan, they sometimes have the ceremony at a shrine”, “After the food is served, the guests give speeches or sing songs”, “Before the guests leave, the bride and groom give them presents.”
