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May 22nd Daily Journal

May 22nd Daily Journal

This day we learned about what's any neighborhood like, which will be helpful when you are new in the neighborhood, we started to describe what places you can find and with the vocabulary of the activity to do in the specific place e.g “in a travel agency you make reservation for a trip”, for this we made an activity of matching the place word and what you can do there, also it’s important to give someone an address to find one place, ask how many places you can find, in the activity of the red book we tried to gave an address by looking a map and using “there is”, “there are”; “one”, “any or some”, also we gave the information where to find the place using “on”, “next to”, “near/close”, “across from/opposite”, “in front of”, “in back of/behind”, “between” and “on the corner of”. For more accurate example “-Is there a gym? -Yes there is. There is one between the Post Office and O’ Day’s Department Store” when there is many you can use the name of the street or avenue e.g -Are there  any hotel? -Yes, there are. There are some on Elm Street”, we made the book activity and one more about this in pairs.

Also we talked about Quantifiers which is very useful to specify how many restaurants there are or how much crime there is in one place and finally but not less important to add this useful expressions for answers like “Sorry, I don’t know”, “Of curse. There’s one” and “I’m not sure, but I think”.

It was pretty cool and I felt great to learn this topics because one day I want to travel to the Unite States, United Kingdom or Canada were main language is English thanks to this I will be able to ask for places addresses.
