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Article 4 - Goal Setting

Goal Setting Introduction Everybody should know the importance of goals setting because selecting a target is how your life will change on a personal way or professional way, and they come with questions like “what success looks like to you?”, “what do you want to archive?”, “what I want to be?”, it requires a string will to stop saying “someday I will do it”, and there is more useful ways to think about setting goals. Body Usually goal setting starts up asking questions like, “how does success looks like?”, “what do you want to achieve?”. If we are serious about achieving our goals, however, we should start with a much different question. Rather than considering what kind of success we want, we should ask, “What kind of pain do I want?” The first step is to choose the path these are some examples: If you’re a writer, your goal is to write a book, the system to archive that target is the writing schedule that you follow each week. On a runner, is to run a marathon

Article 3 - Habits

Habits Introduction The most of all decisions that we took daily could seems that they’re a reflexive way of take decisions, but it’s not, they’re habits,   they seems to be not important but with time the meals we choose, the words that we say, if we spend or we save, the frequency with which we do physical exercises and the way in that we order our thoughts and work routines, they have a big impact in our health, productivity, economic safety and happiness.   Body The definition for habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform each and every day. Habits account for about almost half of our behaviors on any given day. Your whole life is composed by your habits. How in shape or out of shape you are? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy you are? How successful or unsuccessful you are? Everything is a result of your habits! What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing each day) ultimately forms the person you ar

Article 2 - Technology as a powerful distraction

Introduction With the evolution of technology during this century and which is coming soon, new games, smartphones, game consoles such PlayStation 5, computer parts with high performance and companies using new more efficient algorithms to capture you attention in things that could make you waste your time when it’s   essential to our life to reach goals in order to be successful, to get prosperity and help the society to advance and of course the meaning of our life. Body We all know that technology is essential in our society to build complex buildings, for manufacturing, for daily life scheduling, to enhance everything where it’s used, but this also implies new electronic devices and new apps like new social media such Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Netflix, video games, that they were developed to entertain you, this are some examples: kids nowadays prefers to stay at home playing FortNite or PlayStation more than four hours per day instead to doing the homework, sometime

Article 1 - Healthy diet cons and pros

Introduction A healthy diet is one of the main factors of promotion and maintenance of good health throughout lifetime. An inadequate diet is one of the main risk factors for the development of hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, overweight or obesity, and the main non-communicable diseases (NCD), such autoimmune diseases, strokes, most heart diseases, most cancers, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts. Currently, mostly of the people don’t know how to eat healthy because they don’t have the knowledge and the habit to eat the correct food, they also prefer eat junk food. Poor nutrition includes malnutrition and excessive feeding, Poor nutrition is also characterized by a lack of various essential micronutrients in the diet, in particular iron, folic acid, iodine and vitamin A. Body A poor nutrition, in any of its forms, presents considerable risks for the human health. Malnutrition contributes to about one t

June 19th, Daily Journal

On June 12 th , teacher Yerlin started the class giving us the topics for the tests. Followed by, she wrote on the whiteboard the topic of Infinities and Gerunds , which is the correct way to use for and to , when we use the infinitive, the structure is to + verb , for example: to read , to eat , to send . And when we use gerund, the structure is for + verb + suffix -ing , for example: for reading , for eating , for sending . After that she wrote on the Relative clauses of time , this is used to describe what does a day or event consist, for example Christmas is a day when all families stay together. Them we were working on the blue book unit 7, the first that we practice on was the first snapshot about invention objects like pocket calculator, touchscreen tablets, personal GPS, smartphones, even the world wide web and there was three questions about those objects, the first one was to circle the things that we use every day or almost every day , the second was which invention d

August 14th, Daily Journal

On Tuesday, August 14th, We listen to Georgiana, the founder of Speak English pod, she was talking about going out at night, emblematic places to hangout in New York City and how to order a drink, So she plains that on one Friday at night and we could call a friend to invite to going out or going to a Night Club, she said that people of New York on their 20’s or 30’s they usually have a drink in a bar and then go to a Club, she suggested different locations in Manhattan which is commonly visited by fashion models, celebrities, professional athletes   and musicians but sometimes is difficult to get in, she mentioned Provocateur one of the favorites for the elite and famous and you have to make reservation and it’s very expensive for being an exclusive club, another is Avenue it host most of the elites parties in New York,   and if you are hipster she recommended look at the lower east side you can eat, drink, shop and hangout after dark, the current hottest area for bars and night clu

August 13th, Daily Journal

We saw a video about how to triple our memory by using a trick by Ricardo Lieuw On, he taught us a trick that consist in get 30 seconds to memorize 10 words in the right order and after that we get 30 seconds more to write down what you remember and at the end we have 30 extra seconds to check the answers. And he said how did we memorize this and if it was the best way to do it, and he said that the generation of his parents and grandparents, being able to memorize something like this was an absolutely essential skill, but nowadays, no one thinks that we have to remember a list of thinks that we can take a picture, with all the technology we have there is no reason for memorize and it seems that memorizing has somehow become less important. He said that he flunked a grade twice in high school and it was hard to him to get his diploma, later when he was working as a bagger, he has the opportunity to talk to strangers and that year he discovered that he doesn’t hate learning, j

July 26th, Daily Journal

On July 26 th , we begin listening a podcast about moods and words we can use to express how we feel , the podcast Georgiana start with the following vocabulary: sad, desolate, devastated, happy, enlighted, exalted, thrilled, static, boring, entertaining, amusing, mad, angry, upset, annoyed, pissed off, nervous, anxious and relaxed . She said that a person may feel optimistic about something or even pessimistic, then expose that when we feel optimistic we must expect good things in the future and in the case of feeling pessimistic then we don’t expect anything good. Later we saw a TedTalk about to Self-Love and be intentional, she began with the question “What defines us as a person?” and that some people tend to define ourselves through our physical image, by our jobs, bank balance and a lot of time what others have to say about us. Then she told a story about her life and that when she was a little in the school she wants to be likeable and popular because being that way was

July 24th, Daily Journal

Today we first checked with teacher Yerlin the answers of the listening test. In groups of three we made a conversation about our favorite movies and then we worked on the blue book unit 13 we read the snapshot 1 which is about a movie trivia with interesting data like actors and actress any role of the movie, the cost and the money it made, curious things that happen during the films and how long time they spend to film. After in groups we made a conversation of the following questions under that movie trivia: “Which of the movie trivia do you find most interesting?”, “Do you know any other movie trivia?”, “Which of the movies have you seen? Did you enjoy them?”. Using the previous topics movies and them we made a vs with the books to use the Participle as adjectives which is the use of Present Participles when we talk about movies, books or even things e.g. “Stephen King’s books are fascinating ” here we use the verbing , and we use the Past Participles when we talk abou

May 30th Daily Journal

May 30th Daily Journal That day we learn about many topics but I am going to start by chronological order, first we were talking about Adjective + infinitive; noun + infinitive, on common health complaints like headache, flu or a cold and this is useful to give tips against the symptoms. You can say “it’s important to take some vitamin C”, “it’s sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup”, “it’s a good idea to see a doctor”. Also make a match activity of witch container is the correct for some objects e.g. “a bottle of aspirin”, “a pack of tissues” or “a bag of cough drops”. Later we made and activity of circle the correct words using modals verbs can, could, may for request; suggestions using what we learnt previously e.g. “Can/Could I help you?”, “May/Do I have something for itchy eyes”, “You could/may try a bottle of eyedrops” the correct ones in order are “Can, May and Could”. The next thing we worked on was the use of “So, too” for affirmative answer and “Neither, Either” for nega

May 29th Daily Journal

May 29thDaily Journal On Tuesday 29 th we learn about Present Perfect which structure is “the verb have + subject + the verb in past participle + the rest, already or yet” it very useful when you want to ask someone if she or he has done things like to do skydiving, to travel, do any action or visit somewhere, etc. Look these questions as example: “has he called home lately?” and a probably answer could be “Yes, he’s called twice this week”, you can answer how many times she or he did it or just deny it “No, he hasn’t called in this month”, for this topic we did an activity of complete questions and answers with participle verbs in the red book. Also, we mark the differences between Present perfect that is used for things done on an indefinite time in the past and Simple past which is used to mention a specific event in the past, one example for the first one could be: “Have you ever eaten Moroccan food?” and “Yes, I have. I ate it once in Paris” it’s an answer that match with

May 23rd Daily Journal

May 23rd Daily Journal Today we talk about how to describe a person by the appearance of how does he/she looks, every person has a different own characteristics like the size, color or type of hair, skin color, facial hair, color of clothes, any particular accessory, the height, the weight, the age and fashion style. This is very useful when someone ask you how does a close person looks like or if anyone need to find someone or even differentiate one person from another.               To start describing people by general appearance we can use “What does she look like?” and we can answer “She’s tall, with red hair. Or She’s gorgeous.”, by age we can use “How old is she/he?” the correct answer could be “She’s/He’s about 32. Or She’s/He’s in her/his thirties.”, another expression to describe is by the height so we ask like “How tall is she/he?” and we answer for it like “She’s/He’s 1 meter 88. Or She’s/He’s 6 feet 2.” The same structure applies for the weight. Also, we can ask for

May 22nd Daily Journal

May 22nd Daily Journal This day we learn ed  about what's any neighborhood like ,   which will be helpful  when you are new in the neighborhood , we start ed to describe what places you can find  and with the vocabulary of the activity to do in the specific place e.g “in a travel agency you make reservation for a trip”, for this we made an activity of matching the place word and what you can do there, also it’s important to give someone an address to find one place, ask how many places you can find, in the activity of the red book we tried to gave an address by looking a map and using “there is”, “there are”; “one”, “any or some”, also we gave the information where to find the place using “on”, “next to”, “near/close”, “across from/opposite”, “in front of”, “in back of/behind”, “between” and “on the corner of”. For more accurate example “-Is there a gym? -Yes there is. There is one between the P o s t O ffice and O’   Day’s Department Store”  when there is many you can use the